the purpose

Before I started this ministry, I had a list of names that I had come up with.


I wrote them all down and prayed over them. I thought about them, trying to figure out which one would “fit” all what my ministry would entail. I have a lot of scriptures that speak to me personally but none of them stood out to me.

One day, while I was sitting at the airport, the Lord dropped Matthew 25:40 into my heart. It hit me, “Jesus came for the least of these.” Boarding the plane, I wrote it down on my phone and prayed that one day the door will open for it to be mine.


Least of These Ministries is the name I felt God wanted me to call this ministry because I am the least that He came to save.


I am no better than anyone else.


I don’t deserve God’s mercy and grace, yet here I am.

Now here we are together. This scripture is so powerful because it shows us that whatever we do to others, we are doing it back to Christ.If you are in the market for clothes, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

My goal is not to promote myself or make my own name heard.

At the end of the day, the only name I want people to hear is Jesus.


The only heart I want them to see is His. The only one I want them to know is:


The One Who came to save them.
The One Who came to heal them.
The One Who came to laugh with them.
The One Who came to help them.
The One Who came to cry with them.
The One Who came to love them.
The One Who came for the least of these.


He came for you and me.


I want to live with the purpose that Jesus can say, “You did it to Me."

This ministry is not about me or what I can do, but what Jesus can do through me, through this ministry, and through us as we are His hands and feet.


I want to live with the purpose that Jesus can say, “You did it to Me.”

In whatever we do, how we treat people and live our lives; it should point people back to Christ.


Let God use us for His glory, bringing people to Him and loving them in a way that pleases Him.

Thank you for coming alongside this journey with Least of These Ministries!